No GPS signal? No problem with the new Location Beacon!

There’s news at ANGEL React: the Location Beacon supplements the emergency call systems with an indoor positioning system that provides more precise location information.

  • How did the idea of developing a Location Beacon come up?

GPS reception is often poor or inaccurate indoors. This is exactly where the Location Beacon comes in to provide more precise location information. Imagine a colleague is working in the warehouse and climbs up a ladder to place something on a higher shelf. You are the emergency contact and receive a message, but you only get the GPS position of the warehouse. You have to search for a while to find the injured person in the huge warehouse. In cases like this, more precise location information is essential. That’s why the idea was born to develop a Location Beacon to provide more precise indoor location information.

  • What is a Location Beacon?

The Location Beacon is an indoor positioning system. An indoor positioning system provides additional location information and should be used primarily in areas with a weak or missing GPS signal. However, it is also a useful addition in general. The Location Beacon is the first IPS from ANGEL React and, with more precise data on the indoor location such as floor or room, ensures that help reaches the injured person more quickly. Watch the video to find out how the Location Beacon works.


  • What makes our Location Beacon so special?

The decisive difference lies in the range, we use Bluetooth® long range and can cover up to 1,000m2 with one Location Beacon. This means we can cover larger areas with just one device. The device is also a stand-alone solution that does not require an additional server – it works wherever there is a power supply. The system automatically connects to the Shirt or Clip user in the neighbourhood via Bluetooth® without the need for additional registration.

  • How does the  commissioning of the Location Beacon work?

Commissioning is very simple and can be summarised in two words: Plug and Play. Connect to the power supply, scan the QR code, set the relevant location information (building, floor, room, etc.) and GPS information and the Location Beacon is ready for use.

  • Which companies is the Location Beacon particularly suitable for?

The Location Beacon is the ideal solution for large industrial companies with remote facilities and areas with low GPS signal. Our employees measure the conditions on site and can then determine how many Location Beacons are required for the area.

  • When will the location beacon be launched?

The first ANGEL React IPS will be available from summer 2024. Sign up to our newsletter to find out more about the latest product news.

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Effective Emergency Detection during Work: Here’s How!

Securing lone work is a crucial aspect of modern work life. Emergency detection systems play a central role in ensuring that help can be provided quickly in the event of an accident. But what should you look for in such emergency systems?

Detection of motionlessness

A key feature of emergency detection is the detection of motionlessness. This is particularly important because serious emergencies often end with immobility. Good systems use sensitive accelerometers to distinguish between motionlessness and quiet work, such as reading emails. The sensors of such a system can detect even the slightest movements, minimizing false alarms. A multi-stage alarm process, starting with quiet warnings, ensures that only real emergencies are reported.

Fall detection

Another essential element of emergency detection is fall detection. Although the focus is on detecting motionlessness, fall detection can help shorten response time after an accident. A fall is typically detected in three phases: free fall, impact, and subsequent motionlessness. Systems that reliably detect these phases can call for help faster, minimizing the consequences of an accident.

Communication channels

Effective emergency detection systems should also enable seamless communication. Ideally, they notify emergency services and employees who can provide first aid on-site. The selection of emergency contacts must be flexible and adapted to the respective work situation. Various communication channels increase the likelihood that the alarm will be received quickly and reliably.

And now, the most crucial thing: Test the system!

If you are looking for a suitable emergency detection system for yourself and/or your employees, we recommend testing it before buying! Reputable sales outlets offer test options. If they don’t, you might ask yourself why they do not want to offer their system for trial. For example, a test will quickly show you that a device will be unusable in everyday life if it triggers too many alarms. Such a device will get on your nerves in no time. Usually, such emergency detection systems end up in the back of a desk drawer or the glove compartment of your car very quickly.

You can find out what other criteria you should consider when buying an emergency detection system in our paper “Deep Dive: Emergency Detection”. Feel free to download the paper and browse through it to get more information about emergency detection and the functionalities of emergency detection systems.

In the end, you will realize that ANGEL React is undoubtedly not the only helpful emergency detection system on the market. But it is the one that strikes the right balance: It is hardly noticeable during daily work, yet it helps you comprehensively and reliably in all emergency situations. It does what it is supposed to: Call for help as quickly and loudly as possible when needed – and avoid false alarms.

By the way, our systems can, of course, be tested! Just try our “Try and Buy” offer.



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