
Getting home safely at night. That’s what it’s about.

Johann Beck from Beck-Elektro in Vorarlberg is an ANGEL system user from the very beginning. In his everyday life, he mainly works on cranes and most of the time he works alone. He knows the experience of hanging from a crane unconsciously  for quite some time after an electrical accident. That’s why he appreciates the security that ANGEL offers him. Now he doesn’t want to work without it anymore.


Mr. Beck, how did you actually become aware of ANGEL?

Johann Beck: A former work colleague called me to introduce me to the product. This was because he knew I always work alone and the ANGEL system be of use. We agreed right away on the phone that he would send me an offer. One week later I ordered a system without even testing it. I fully relied on the expertise of my colleague.

Why were you so spontaneous?

Johann Beck: I was really enthusiastic that suddenly there was a product that could support me, when I work alone. I was ready to invest some money and thought to myself: if it works, it’s good, if it’s a feint, then so be it.

But it wasn’t a feint?

Johann Beck: No, it wasn’t a feint.

What was so convincing about ANGEL right from the start?

Johann Beck: The fact that someone takes care of me even if they don’t know it. In my case, the person taking care is my spouse. She always has the mobile phone within earshot and can activate the rescue chain. Or take some other steps.

You don’t wear ANGEL in winter? Why?

Johann Beck: Because I cannot wear it under tight clothing. When climbing, however, I have to wear tight clothing. Under a tight sweater, the genius on the upper arm gets in the way, it’s uncomfortable. The seams on the shoulders and the cable routing from the left to the right shoulder are also annoying. My climbing frame goes over my shoulder and that rubs.

That means there is still room for improvement?

Johann Beck: Yes, and I have already reported that.

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed ANGEL?

Johann Beck: No, thank God not yet. But I’ve tested it several times. Cf course, my wife always reacts very sensitively.

Would you say you are taking more risks when using ANGEL?

Johann Beck: No, why should I? There is simply no point in increasing the risk further.

You’ve been using ANGEL since last summer, so it’s been a while. What is your conclusion? Would you recommend it?

Johann Beck: Security is crucial to me. Because of this very high sense of security, I like to use technical tricks and improvements to structure my working life in a way that gets me home safely to my family at night. I wish the same for others.

Thank you very much!

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