
About Us

Our promise is to make work safe. We are your partner company for workplace safety in the electrical industry. We develop the most modern products for testing in electrical high- and medium-voltage installations as well as for the workplace safety of all those working with hazardous electrical voltages. For this reason, installation work on live systems is made safer with our intelligent safety systems. We take pride in refining our products yet further and accelerating the rate of innovation. We are never satisfied with the status quo; we constantly look for new solutions and improve our products.

Building excellence through teamwork. Our employees are experts in different fields, but they all share a common goal: to make working with electricity every day even safer. As part of the global OMICRON Group we leverage the benefits associated with being part of a large company, but are still able to shape our own area of responsibility with the independent character of a start-up. Our motto is “Break the rules…innovate!”. We give creative ideas the freedom to come to life, develop new product components, and put our theories to the test. Innovation and teamwork are our core competencies that allow us to successfully implement customer requirements.

Facts and Figures

Icon für Mitarbeiter*inn


Icon für Standort
Based in:


Icon für einen Kalender


Icon für einen Werkzeugkoffer mit Schraubenschlüssel

anyone working alone or mobile carrying out dangerous activities

Icon für eine Kaffeetasse

about 50 cups a day

Icon für ein Sofa
Favorite spots:

roof garden, coffee machine, red sofa and regulars’ table at the Muellner brewery tap

Quality and Innovation

Innovation is in our DNA. Every project starts with our curiosity to discover something new. We put our heads together, challenge existing solutions, design and simulate new solutions, build prototypes, test them, and optimize and develop. We are pioneers who are confident enough to tackle new subject areas and never stop developing further. Our motto is, and always has been, “Break the rules…innovate!” As an interdisciplinary team, the expertise within our company focuses on software, hardware, and textiles. We also work together with innovative partner companies, e.g. Texible GmbH and zaza Textillösungen GmbH. In our laboratories, we test, sew, press, measure, solder, and calibrate. We use agile project management methods such as SCRUM to incorporate the requirements of our customers into the development process as quickly as possible.

The customer is king. We firmly believe that our customers have the best idea of how we can support them in their day-to-day work. That’s why we develop our solutions in close collaboration with customers and place them center stage: what does a typical working day look like for the customer? What functionality is needed? We test in the field and integrate customer feedback into our product development. This allows us to develop disruptive solutions for current customer problems and wishes.

Quality by intelligence. We used a unique combination of our interdisciplinary team, agile project management methods, and constant customer feedback to implement the high-quality level for OMICRON products for the COMPANO 100. This strategy turned out to be successful in responding to changes innovatively and responding to the market’s needs quickly. The devices themselves are tested in automated environments to ensure high quality in the long term. OMICRON also offers state-accredited calibration services in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025.
ANGEL React has allowed us to combine electronics and textiles.  Numerous patents in the field of smart textile solutions highlight our passion for innovation, culminating in receiving the 2020/2021 Special Innovation Award from the Austrian Consumer Research Institute (ÖGVS). All of our products are TÜV-tested, and the electronic components are developed in compliance with the latest standards. We also hold ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Sustainability and Environmental Protection

Change the world for the better! Our daily activities affect the natural environment – be it our product development, our office facilities, or business travel. We try to minimize the negative impact of our activities on the world around us. Regarding the environment is part of our corporate mission, and for that reason, we try to consider the environment in our product development and our daily actions. We are ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45000:2018-certified.

Regard for the environment starts in the morning. We contribute towards the OMICRON Mobility Group to encourage environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport. The group’s activities are entirely voluntary and aim to motivate our employees to adopt a sustainable approach to transportation use. Most of our employees commute to work using bicycles or public transport.  Those employees are rewarded with Eco Points, which can be exchanged for vouchers to be spent for public transport tickets or bicycle equipment, for example. The company supports using public transport whenever possible. We also have several company bicycles, which everyone is free to use. In addition, the company provides and pays for an annual check-up of our team members’ privately-owned bicycles and co-funds bicycling safety equipment, e.g., helmets.

Sustainability in our processes. Whenever feasible, we cooperate with local partners to reduce the ecological impact, minimize transport routes, and strengthen local small businesses. We try to reuse our materials and reduce waste. We consider sustainability as part of our supply chain; this is why we opted for eco-cotton as the fabric for our ANGEL React shirt.

Be responsible. We also take care of our team and look after our well-being by providing organic fruit for snacking, yogurt, plants to clean the air, height-adjustable workplaces, a massage service, and a next-door fitness center.

Our products


Our ANGEL React system automatically detects motionlessness, falls and electrical accidents. It gets help when you can’t anymore.

Smart Textile Solutions

Smart Textiles as an area of innovation.

Das Messgerät Compano
Product development

At the innovation site in Salzburg, ADRESYS develops solutions for our parent company OMICRON electronics GmbH.