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🚀 Release 2.1:

There are a lot of news in ANGEL React version 2.1. Here is a short overview.

What’s New?

  • Chat with other emergency contacts in case of emergency: We have further improved our Help Coordination Portal so that emergency contacts can react faster in case of an emergency. Emergency contacts can easily coordinate help with the new chat function on their smartphone or browser.
  • Find accident casualties in cellars, tunnels, or buildings faster:  The new ANGEL React Location Beacon gives location information for areas that lack a stable GPS signal. Plug-and-Play: Supply the Location Beacon with power, and it’s ready to react!
  • ANGEL React is now available in 10 languages and numerous countries across Europe
  • Mix and match the Shirt System and clip: Welcome to our improved ANGEL React clip. Quickly adapt your Shirt Genius to your everyday work needs.
  • Share and care: A Genius can now be shared by up to 8 smartphones—a new feature, especially for shift workers and users who don’t need the ANGEL React systems daily.
  • Recognize the charging status of your Genius by the color: Blinking green means charging. Permanently green means fully charged. The red color means there are charging problems.
  • ANGEL React Shirt System is now available with the Multinorm variant: The Multinorm Longsleeve is certified Personal Protective Equipment according to regulation (EU) 2016/425. The Navy Blue Longsleeve has antistatic properties and protects against heat and flame, and thermal hazards of an electric arc according to the mentioned norms. The High-Visibility Longsleeve helps to reduce the risk of accidents by its fluorescent and reflective properties.
  • Smart ANGEL React Portal update: You’re now signed in permanently and don’t need to sign in again if you want to set up emergency contacts.
  • Customize your pre-alarm time: Adjust the pre-alarm time for the Task Timer to fit your needs quickly. It gives you more time to react before the Task Timer expires and your emergency contacts receive an alarm.
  • New additional vibration alarm when pre-alarm expires: Especially in noisy environments, your smartphone now vibrates in addition to the sound notification if the pre-alarm appears. This increases the chance of noticing pre-alarm and alarm.
  • Battery saving mode for your smartphone: We reduced the ANGEL React App energy consumption in a few scenarios. This helps you to save battery on your smartphone.
  • New high-speed firmware update: We improved the firmware speed updates on many Android devices to save you time.

Our promise is to make work safe.

We are your partner company for workplace safety. We develop the most modern products for everyone carrying out lone work and wanting to have a guardian angel by their side. Thus, we can react quickly in case of an emergency. Besides, we developed testing equipment for electrical high- and medium-voltage installations. We take pride in refining our products yet further and accelerating the rate of innovation. We are never satisfied with the status quo; we constantly look for new solutions and improve our products.

Our products


Our ANGEL React system automatically detects motionlessness, falls and electrical accidents. It gets help when you can’t anymore.

Smart Textile Solutions

Smart Textiles as an area of innovation.

Das Messgerät Compano
Product development

At the innovation site in Salzburg, ADRESYS develops solutions for our parent company OMICRON electronics GmbH.


Want to know more?

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